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  • Writer's pictureshymeckna

Glass Half Full

If you are reading this, you have survived 2020. You have made it through covid-19, the great mask debate, presidential elections and accusations, as well as social distancing (an oxymoron if I ever heard of one).

I could go on. But it makes me feel a little depressed.

In the great drinking glass debate, I prefer my glass to be half full. There’s more left in that mug to enjoy. Just like I have more living to do. I smile more when I think about positive things in my life. I want to be around others. I want to make them feel as good as I do. Quite frankly, the good leaves me feeling more fulfilled as a human being.

When the glass is half empty, time’s running out. There’re not as many things to enjoy. I feel a bit cranky. I’m not as nice to other people or to myself.

I could go on. But it makes me feel a little defeated.

Some people are experts at complaining. And thank goodness some people are good at seeing the sunny side. This is why I am a firm believer in saying five positive things for every negative one. When you put your energy into being positive, the world becomes more satisfying. Instead of getting sucked down into the bottom dredges of life, your cup starts to runneth over, so to speak.

This past year has been challenging, but there have been good things that have happened, too. You may have experienced sunsets, sunrises, celebrations of life, really good frosting at your niece’s third birthday, watching your kid learn to ride a bike, a good cup of coffee, as well as camping, family game nights, and the gift of friendship.

I could go on. But it makes me feel a little excited. I’m thinking about the snow on the ground, the hills to sled down, the wind in my face, and a full cup of hot chocolate waiting for me. I’m thinking it’s time to go home, and enter the embrace of those who have lived this past year beside me. I’m thinking of all that I have to be grateful for.

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